How Ethics can help us build better systems: Towards a comprehensive evaluation of stereotyped biases in LLMs

titleHow Ethics can help us build better systems: Towards a comprehensive evaluation of stereotyped biases in LLMs
location_infoSalle 406 & visio
summaryIn the past 10 years, ethics has become a major topic in NLP, both in terms of community management, with ethics committees for most international conferences, and in research work, with specialized tracks in the most renowned conferences and a very active field of research. I’ll present here my latest work on ethics in NLP, focusing on the evaluation of stereotyped biases in LLMs. I’ll show why we need to improve our models and how ethics can help us do so. I’ll present new resources and tools that we developed to evaluate LLMs, especially adapted for languages other than English. I encourage all the attendees to come with their concerns and questions, so that this time is devoted to open discussion.