Designing a new dynamic assessment of communication skills in infancy

titleDesigning a new dynamic assessment of communication skills in infancy
location_infoPinchat 22, room 003
summaryLanguage and communication difficulties are relatively common, affecting around 10% of all children at school starting age. Many of these children are not identified early enough to benefit from early interventions to support their language and communication development, despite parents identifying concerns early in the child’s life. In part, this may be due to a lack of valid assessment instruments that can be used with children under the age of two. At this age, formal standardised assessment may not be possible, and dynamic assessment, which considers the child’s ability to perform skills within a naturalistic framework of scaffolding from an adult, may be a useful tool. This may be particularly important for children who are experiencing difficulties with communication, attention, or other aspects of development, and for children who are bilingual, and for whom standardised assessment norms therefore do not apply. The presentation will review the theory behind dynamic assessment, identify gaps in the current literature on DA of communication skills early in life, and then provide information about novel measures developed at City, University of London. Results from the use of these measures in infancy will be explored, along with longitudinal data from the same sample that identifies the predictive value of the new measures. Future directions of this work will then be discussed.