NLP for compliance in the mobility sector

titleNLP for compliance in the mobility sector
location_infoMDL A118 & visioconférence
summaryCompliance is a major struggle for companies in the mobility sector. In order to bring their vehicles and machines to the market, these need to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards. In this talk, I will show how Natural Language Processing, and in particular Large Language Models, can help companies find their way through this maze of regulatory requirements. Classifiers can determine the topic of a text and make it easier to manage vast amounts of information and make them more accessible. Question answering techniques can help users find the answer to theirquestions about regulatory data, and notify them when a relevant piece of legislation or a standard changes. Finally, code generation models can help output machine-readable versions of product requirements and testing scenarios, so thatengineers spend less time coding these themselves. Several use cases from our work at Deontic will demonstrate how NLP can help increase productivity, bring down the time to market for the vehicles they develop, and ultimately improvethe safety of the people that use these vehicles.