Disentangling the too many functions of the dorsal striatum in rats: from motor skill to sensitivity to motor cost

titleDisentangling the too many functions of the dorsal striatum in rats: from motor skill to sensitivity to motor cost
summaryA prominent theory in system neuroscience is that different forms of memories are stored in different brain regions/networks. Inside this framework, the dorsal striatum is believed to play a critical role in the storage and recall of motor skills and, more specifically, the goal-direct vs habitual selection of actions. In my talk, I will try demonstrate the conceptual weakness of these views by highlighting that tasks typically used to study motor skill do not separate high-level mnemonic/action selection functions from motivational constraints. I will present recent and ongoing work of our team (and others) that provide evidence that the dorsal striatum contribution to motor skill might be derived from a more fundamental contribution of this brain region to the sensitivity to movement costs, with potential implication to understand several brain disorders at the interface between movement and motivations.
responsiblesPerrais, Thoumine