From Spatial Navigation and Episodic Memory to Architectural Design

titleFrom Spatial Navigation and Episodic Memory to Architectural Design
location_infoRoom 305 & on Zoom
summaryThe talk brings notions from brain theory to bear on a quote from the architect Peter Zumthor: “When I think about architecture, images come into my mind. When I design, I frequently find myself sinking into old, half-forgotten memories …. Yet, at the same time, I know that all is new … Construction is the art of making a meaningful whole out of many parts. [but] Unlike the sculptor, I have to start with functional and technical requirements. The challenge of developing a whole out of innumerable details …” The talk will present two ideas from brain theory that give new insights into the brain processes underlying architectural design. The first is the notion of the World Graph as a model of a cognitive map, with nodes for significant places. The other is an account of visual perception as a process of construction, creating an “assemblage of perceptual schemas” as we attend to different aspects of a scene. Episodic memory is then a way of storing and reconstructing (often quite inaccurately) such assemblages, while imagination can form new assemblages exploiting episodic memories but meeting new demands. Together, these provide a perspective on the role of imagination and place-making in architectural design.