Application of topology preserving mapping using SOMs for medical data analysis

titleApplication of topology preserving mapping using SOMs for medical data analysis
location_info15e étage, salle C15-02
summaryNeural Maps are special artificial neural networks which are adapted from the cortex in real brains. The cortex processes the sensoric information at a first level. Thereby, the information flow is optimized by data driven adaptation of the several cortex areas responsible for different stimuli. Neural maps transfer these functional views into a technical context of artificial neural networks for data mining and representation. We will consider several properties and variants of neural maps for faithful data analysis. In particular we will concentrate on the self-organizing map model (SOM), which generates under certain conditions a topology preserving map, i.e. a low-dimensional representation of high- dimensional data can be achieved. We discuss useful extensions of the basic SOM, such as growing variants and information optimum coding for faithful data modeling. We provide tools to assess the quality of topology preservation of the map, which is necessary for correct interpretation. The highlighted features are presented in the context of data analysis and visualization in medical application, ranging from psychotherapy process data to genomic profiling.
oncancelChangement de lieu et d’heure
responsiblesCarlo, Bardet, Cottrell