The effect of combined administration of atypical antipsychotics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the firing activity of serotonin and norepinephrine neurons

titleThe effect of combined administration of atypical antipsychotics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the firing activity of serotonin and norepinephrine neurons
detailsInvité par Umberto Spampinato
summaryThe atypical antipsychotics risperidone and olanzapine were previously shown to reverse the escitalopram-induced inhibition of NE neuronal firing activity. Thus, non-response to SSRIs in some patients may be explained by a decreased NE tone and the beneficial effect of atypical antipsychotics by its reversal. Using in-vivo electrophysiology in laboratory rats, it was found that paliperidone (the 9-OH metabolite of risperidone) reversed the escitalopram-induced suppression of NE neuronal firing, as it was observed for risperidone. The acute administration of risperidone produced a robust inhibition of firing of 5-HT neurons. This inhibition was partially reversed by the NE reuptake inhibitor desipramine or by the 5-HT1A antagonist WAY 100635 and completely reversed when both WAY 100635 and desipramine were given. However, paliperidone did not alter the firing rate of 5-HT neurons. Paliperidone, as observed with risperidone. The capacity of paliperidone to reverse the SSRI-induced inhibition of NE neuronal firing rate, without decreasing of 5-HT neuronal activity, suggests that paliperidone may be beneficial in SSRI-resistant depression.