Experiencing contingency and agency: first step toward self-understanding ?

titleExperiencing contingency and agency: first step toward self-understanding ?
summaryPrecursors of inferential capacities concerning self and others’ understanding may be found in the early experience of social contingency, acting as powerful mindreading pointers. Which role do sensitivity to social contingency and expectancies for contingency play in early interaction ? Which role do transfers of action and emotion from one person to another have in experiencing our and others’ agency ? I propose a visit to these questions in the company of young infants whose mothers are either contingent or non-contingent partners. In the first part of the visit, we will see what happens when we use experimental designs which disrupt contingent exchanges between mother and very young infants : do they detect non-contingency ? Do they expect contingency ? And what about non verbal children with autism ? The second part of the visit will be devoted to examine the effects of designs which afford high contingency and enhance agency via the action-recognition mechanism.
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