Neurosteroid regulation of GABAA receptors

titleNeurosteroid regulation of GABAA receptors
detailsInvité par Monique Vallée(CRI Inserm U 862)
summaryGABA-A receptors are the major mediators of inhibitory neurotransmission and play a vital role in regulating many aspects of animal behaviour. The neurosteroids allopregnanolone (ALLOP) and THDOC are extremely potent modulators of GABAaR function and may thus play in important role in regulating neuronal activity. Significantly, production of ALLOP and THDOC is disrupted in several mood disorders including depression, premenstrual dysphoria and panic disorder. We have recently identified binding sites for ALLOP and THDOC on GABAa receptors and are currently using transgenic techniques to investigate the physiological roles of these important modulators of nervous system function.