Perception of Human Activity for Augmented Environments

titlePerception of Human Activity for Augmented Environments
location_infobât. 2, salle du conseil
summaryn this presentation I will discuss the problem of augmenting ordinary objects and environments with information and communication technologies. I will begin with a presentation of projected interaction in the PRIMA Augmented Meeting Environment at INRIA Rhones-Alpes. I will present video demonstrations in which ordinary surfaces are augmented with abilities for presentation and interaction using a steerable camera-projector pair. I will then address the looming problem of disruption created by the large-scale use of such technologies. I present a possible solution to this problem that relies on providing environments with an understanding of the activity and context of activities. I will briefly describe a layered architecture for building context aware services for augmented environments, finishing with an example of an automated video acquisition systems for context aware recording and transmission of meetings and lectures.