Developing fair negociation support systems

titleDeveloping fair negociation support systems
detailsModérateur : Professor Pompeu Casanovas, Institute for Law and technology, Barcelona
summaryIn previous work on mediation and negotiation support systems, we have focused upon using integrative bargaining. When end-users of our family-mediation and plea-bargaining systems have evaluated our systems, they commented that the systems met their personal needs, but not the interests of fairness and justice. For example, in Family Mediation, they meet the interests of the parents and not the children. * For negotiation support systems to be widely used, issues of fairness and justice must be addressed. We are currently developing measures for assessing the outcomes of online negotiation in the legal domains of sentencing, plea-bargaining and family mediation. Such methods will form the basis of a new model for evaluating fairness and consistency within online dispute resolution systems. This model will inform the construction of fairer and more consistent systems of IT based negotiation support. We conclude by discussing a new project we are about to commence focusing upon developing negotiation support systems that promote constructive relationships following disputes The Speaker John Zeleznikow has written a lot of peer-reviewed articles and two books: “Building Intelligent Legal Information Systems: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Law” and “Knowledge Discovery from Legal Databases”. He has been active in building legal decision support systems for legal aid, family mediation and body corporate organisations. His research interests include issues of fairness in negotiation, Decision and Negotiation Support Systems, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Discovery from Databases
responsiblesBourcier, Bourgine