The case for the expression of vGLUT2 in motoneurons

titleThe case for the expression of vGLUT2 in motoneurons
detailsPrécédé par des "light refreshments" à 16h
summaryCompelling results from electrophysiological studies have shown that motor neurons release glutamate in addition to the classically known neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The release of glutatamate requires synaptic vesicle loading, a process mediated by the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT). So far three types of VGLUTs have been characterized. Although the particular VGLUT used by motor neurons is disputed, I will review the anatomical evidence suggesting that VGLUT2 is the main candidate for this role.
oncancelRétablissement d’horaire
responsiblesvan Vreeswijk, Hansel