Multi-agent deontic logic: moral conflicts and game theory

titleMulti-agent deontic logic: moral conflicts and game theory
summaryIn the talk a multi-agent deontic logic will be presented which allows us to represent reasoning that uses sentences such as "In the interest of group F, group G ought to see to it that A".' We provide a formal language and a consequentialist semantics. This setup can be applied to both problems of deontic logic, such as moral conflicts, but it can also provide a logical background for analyzing game theoretic concepts. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for (1) the possibility that a single group of agents faces a moral conflict, for (2) the possibility that two groups of agents face a moral conflict within a single moral code, and for (3) the possibility that two groups of agents face a moral conflict.  Deontic logic and game theory are both concerned with the same central question: what is the best thing to do in a certain situation? It is not surprising that common reasoning patterns can be found. We show how conditional obligations can be used to in a formal analysis of game theoretic concepts such as the Nash equilibrium.
responsiblesBonnay, Sandu