Modularity in Agent Programming Languages: An Illustration in Extended 2APL

titleModularity in Agent Programming Languages: An Illustration in Extended 2APL
location_infosalle 549
summaryThis talk presents a module-based vision for designing BDI-based multi-agent programming languages. The introduced concept of module is generic and facilitates the implementation of different agent concepts such as roles and agent profiles, or to adopt common programming techniques such as encapsulation and information hiding. This vision is applied to 2APL, which is an existing BDI-based agent programming language. Specific programming constructs are added to 2APL to allow the implementation of modules. The syntax and the operational semantics of some of these programming constructs will be presented. Some informal properties of the programming constructs will be discussed. It will also be explained how these modules can be used to implement roles, agent profiles, or simply for encapsulation of task and information hiding.