A Theoretical Framework of the Perceptual/Cognitive Processes which Underlie an Aesthetic Experience with Art and Manufactured Products

titleA Theoretical Framework of the Perceptual/Cognitive Processes which Underlie an Aesthetic Experience with Art and Manufactured Products
summaryPour préparer cette session, nous vous invitons à lire les document suivants et à envoyer vos commentaires à l’auteur (Paul Locher : locherp@mail.montclair.edu) : - What Does Visual Exploration of an Artwork Contribute to a Viewer’s Immediate Aesthetic Reaction to It? http://formism.net/files/ecme/Locher%20and%20Nodine%20Eye-movement%20Symposium%20manuscript.doc - A Framework for the Aesthetic Interaction with Manufactured Products http://formism.net/files/ecme/A%20Model%20of%20the%20Aesthetics%20of%20Interaction.doc Plus d'nformations sur le groupe de travail et les séances : http://formism.net/ecme
responsiblesDuong, Kapoula