The Acquired Language of Thought Hypothesis

titleThe Acquired Language of Thought Hypothesis
summaryI am investigating how the acquisition of a natural language augments our innate cognitive capacities, in the context of Jerry Fodor's arguments for an innate language of thought. I posit the notion of an interface as a precise connection between distinct modules so that, for example, percepts of a dog will activate memories of dogs, dog-related behaviours and inferences, etc. (This notion of interfaces is similar to Larry Barsalou's notion of concepts, who is developing Antonio Damasio's notion of a convergence zone.) I suggest that the neural encodings of natural language terms project to the interfaces of what the terms stand for, allowing a term to activate the same neural activity as what it stands for. I consider how this architecture is relevant to long-standing philosophical problems, such as the naturalization of content and the nature of central cognition. This talk is an overview of my research plan for my sabbatical at IJN.
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