On the Modelling Vehicular Traffic, Crowds, and Swarms Mathematics, Complexity and Multiscale Issues

titleOn the Modelling Vehicular Traffic, Crowds, and Swarms Mathematics, Complexity and Multiscale Issues
summaryThis lecture deals with a review of models of vehicular traffic and crowd phenomena, with some preliminary results on swarm modelling. The survey covers modelling approaches related to the different representation scales (from micro to macroscopic), and is constantly referred to a critical analysis focused on research perspectives and hints to deal with them. The mathematical approach is based on the methods of the mathematical kinetic theory for active particles with interactions modelled by stochastic games. The presentation is focused on general aspects of the modelling complex large systems of individuals interacting in a non-linear manner and who have a self-organizing ability. These systems, as known, are difficult to model and understand at a global level, based only on the knowledge of the dynamics of their individual elements. On the other hand, the mathematical approach leads to the description various interesting emerging collective behavior of the complex system under consideration. N. Bellomo, Modelling Complex Living Systems - A Kinetic Theory and Stochastic Game Approach, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2008.
responsiblesBerestycki, Nadal, Rosenstiehl