Associated reading: Scott Soames, "Substitutivity," On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard Cartwright, ed. Judith Jarvis Thomson (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1987). (electronic version will be provided)

titleAssociated reading: Scott Soames, "Substitutivity," On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard Cartwright, ed. Judith Jarvis Thomson (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1987). (electronic version will be provided)
summaryThe final two seminars turn to Frege's problem: what's the difference between saying or thinking that Cicero is at least as tall as Cicero, and saying that Cicero is at least as tall as Tully? It's sometimes thought that externalists will have an especially hard time dealing with this problem, at least, unless they introduce a correlate notion of "narrow content." We'll begin by discussing the notion of "wired contents," and their prospects for providing a resolution that's available to externalists and internalists alike. This notion has connections to some issues in the foundations of computer science, which we will explore.