Enseigner les mathématiques aux enfants : sens et support

titleEnseigner les mathématiques aux enfants : sens et support
summaryTeaching math - e.g. numbers - to young children faces an insistent question : what are the difficulties which prevent some of them to understand obvious (at the eyes of the teacher) facts such that 5 + 3 = 11 ?  Reminiscent of an ancient experience in the domain - in the line of my present interest for natural language semantics - I shall argue for the theoretical interest of considering the properties of the representational media used, whether written or with the help of an other material mean than paper. In conclusion, I shall try to understand how properties of the digital support could affect, in the long time, our view of teaching math at this level. Lectures conseillées: Pierre Raymond "De la combinatoire aux probabilités" Maspéro 1975 Pierre Dedron & Jean Itard "Mathématiques et mathématiciens" Magnard 1959 Gottlob Frege "Les fondements de l'arithmétique" Seuil 1969 J. Dhombres & al "mathématiques au fil des ages Bordal 1987 "Le matin des mathématiciens" Belin 1985 (entretiens sur France Culture) Paul Benot, Karine Chemla, Jim Ritter "Histoire de fractions, fractions d'histoire", 1992 (accessible sur http://books.google.com/books?id=_AaOi60JZjIC&hl=fr)
oncancelséance initialement prévue le 21 avril