Signature EEG de l'orientation spatiale de l'attention par le propre prénom chez des patients non-communiquants

titleSignature EEG de l'orientation spatiale de l'attention par le propre prénom chez des patients non-communiquants
location_infosalle 3304
summaryHow do non-communicating patients in vegetative or minimally-conscious state experience the world around them? This important human and medical issue has become a challenge for modern neuroimaging. Since the attentional system is a critical enabling factor for conscious perception, testing its preservation in non-communicating patients constitutes a critical step in assessing their ability to consciously perceive. We built up a simple EEG test aimed at revealing a robust neural signature of attentional orienting in space. We cued the attention of patients or control subjects to their left or right by calling their own name, and tested the orienting of attention using a probe sound presented to the same side or the other side. Since recent studies have show that even some vegetative patients exhibit a differential response to hearing their own name relative to other names, the subjects’ own name was used as an ecological stimulus that should maximize the attentional orienting effect.
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