Performance monitoring and post-error adjustments

titlePerformance monitoring and post-error adjustments
summaryFor adaptive, goal-directed behavior it is essential to continuously monitor action outcomes and to implement adjustments whenever needed. In my presentation I will give an overview about the functional neuroanatomy of the human performance monitoring system, with a particular focus on the posterior medial frontal cortex. I will present EEG and fMRI data elucidating the role of this cortical area in adaptive control induced by own errors and observed mistakes. Furthermore, I will show data from two fMRI experiments addressing the interactions of the posterior medial frontal cortex, the motor cortex, and perceptual brain areas in the service of short-term action optimization. In a longer perspective, we can learn from errors. In the last section of my presentation, I will discuss recent fMRI studies making use of genetic polymorphisms and pharmacological challenges to address the role of dopamine in performance monitoring and reinforcement learning.