Intentionality and the Amalgamated Mind

titleIntentionality and the Amalgamated Mind
location_info1er étage, amphithéâtre du Monceau
summaryAccording to the thesis of embodied cognition, some cognitive processes are composed, in part, of the exploitation of bodily structures. According to the thesis of the extended cognition, some cognitive processes are composed, in part, of the manipulation and transformation of environmental structures. The thesis of the amalgamated mind is the conjunction of the theses of embodied and extended cognition. In this paper, I shall defend an argument for the thesis of the amalgamated mind based on an account of the essence of intentionality as revealing or disclosing activity. If we accept this account of intentionality – as I shall argue we should – then the theses of embodied and extended cognition emerge as obvious, almost mundane, consequences.