Fixed versus variable domain interpretations of Tarski’s account of logical consequence

titleFixed versus variable domain interpretations of Tarski’s account of logical consequence
detailsconférence 4/6, suite le 15 juin
summaryIn this talk I describe and evaluate the debate that surrounds the proper interpretation of Tarski’s account of logical consequence given in his classic 1936 article “On the concept of logical consequence”. In the late eighties Etchemendy argued that the familiar model theoretic account of logical consequence is not to be found in Tarski’s original article. Whereas the contemporary account of logical consequence is a variable domain conception -- in that it calls for a reinterpretation of the domain of variation of the quantifiers when evaluating logical consequence --, no such reinterpretation is found in Tarski’s original account, which was rather based on a ‘fixed domain’ conception. Etchemendy’s claims have sparked a debate on Tarski’s conception of logical consequence with important contributions by, among others, Bach, Bays, Corcoran, Gómez-Torrente, Mancosu, Ray, Sagüillo, and Sher.
responsiblesTessier Cardon