Full Abstraction for Resource Calculus with Tests

titleFull Abstraction for Resource Calculus with Tests
summaryIn this seminar we present a fully abstract model of the resource calculus "with tests". We will first shortly recall the full resource calculus à la Tranquilli together with its relational model D, and we will define the problem of full-abstraction in this context. We will then show that D is also a model of a resource calculus extended with two unary operators (similar to "raise" and "catch" of programming languages) and parallel composition |. With these operators (arising from differential proofnets) we can define "tests" that are able to check whether a term of the resource calculus converge. We will then associate each element sigma in the interpretation of a term M with a context C_sigma converging on M and diverging on terms "different" from M. This will give us the full abstraction result.