Associative theories of goal-directed behaviour: a case for animal-human translational models.

titleAssociative theories of goal-directed behaviour: a case for animal-human translational models.
detailsinvité par Etienne Coutureau
summaryThe concept of goal-directed behaviour refers to those actions that are mediated by the interaction between knowledge of the action-outcome contingency and the current incentive value of the outcome. Over the last decade or so, procedures developed within the field of animal learning have been increasingly used to investigate human goal-directed behaviour. Studies using the outcome revaluation procedures have shown that the capacity for goal-directed action develops during the third of life and depends upon the functioning of the ventro-medial prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, transfer of control and biconditional discriminations procedures have yielded evidence for the role of ideo-motor processes in human goal-directed action. Taken together, this research has demonstrated a commonality between basic decision and action selection processes in humans and other animals.