Behavioral Dynamics of Visually-Guided Locomotion

titleBehavioral Dynamics of Visually-Guided Locomotion
summaryHow do humans generate paths of locomotion in a complex, changing environment? I will develop the view that such behavior emerges from the dynamics of the interaction between an agent and its environment, which is typically non-stationary and unfolds over time. This talk describes our effort to model the dynamics of visually-guided steering, obstacle avoidance, interception, following, and pursuit-evasion (including the rabbit’s zig-zag path), based on experiments in an ambulatory virtual environment. By combining these components, we predict individual paths of locomotion in more complex situations, and ultimately seek to model the collective behavior of crowds. The results demonstrate that locomotor behavior can emerge on-line as a stable solution of the system’s dynamics, making explicit path planning unnecessary.
responsiblesHoffmann, Marin