Immunoheterogeneity and immunosenescence in a wild sheep population

titleImmunoheterogeneity and immunosenescence in a wild sheep population
summaryEven in controlled lab settings, individuals vary considerably in immune parameters and there is plenty of evidence that this variation is under genetic control. Our understanding how natural selection has shaped this variation in natural systems is limited. Furthermore, the immune system undergoes a complex functional decline with age (immunosenescence) in humans and laboratory rodents, but little is known about whether immunosenescence occurs or has meaningful demographic or fitness consequences in natural populations. I will discuss recent work on a wild Soay sheep population investigating individual and genetic variation in circulating antibody levels in plasma and the association of these immune parameters with fitness in a variable environment. I will also present some new pilot research from the same system, suggesting declines with age in some of the same immune parameters that are often used to investigate immunosenescence in humans and lab mice.
responsiblesMouquet, Ravigné