Control/Compensation as a bi-planar model for speech rhythm

titleControl/Compensation as a bi-planar model for speech rhythm
summaryIn the past few years, a new approach to the modeling of natural language rhythm, called Control/Compensation (CC), has been developed at Laboratorio di Linguistica of Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa). The aim is to improve on the existing models, by attaining a higher degree of explicitness and falsifiability, thus circumventing the circularity charge that has been raised against this line of research. One important feature of the model is its bi-planar conception. Level-I concerns the phonotactic structure; level-II concerns the sentence accents organization. The model has so far been applied to Italian, German, Mandarin Chinese and Brasilian Portuguese. French and Japanese will be the next extensions. The results obstained so far are both encouraging and challenging. The most exciting side of this is that the more data are analysed, the more one understands about the foundations of speech rhythm. The presentation will offer a discussion of the main theoretical issues involved by CC application at level-I, as well as the results of a comparison of Italian and Mandarine Chinese at level-II.
responsiblesLœvenbruck, Welby