Core Cognition and language learning

titleCore Cognition and language learning
summaryThis research project seeks to inquire into the causes that might influence the replicability (or reliability) of a given scientific finding. We theorized that two types of causes should be taken into account : causes that allow for the expression of bias (such as confirmation or experimenter's bias) and causes that produce more error (or noise). Furthermore, we formulated that causes that are a source of bias would produce in general higher effect sizes, whereas causes that are a source of noise would produce in general more heterogeneous effect sizes. We decided to focus on the domain of developmental psychology and identified 3 methodological factors as possible sources of bias or of noise : the way the stimuli were presented to the infant, the way the infants' reactions were coded and the ratio of tested infants excluded from the data. I will present the results of the analyses I performed on a set of 11 meta-analysis to test whether the factors we identified as sources of bias (stimuli presentation method) or of error (coding method and exclusion ratio) are indeed correlated with variations in effect sizes.