Critical Periods Re-Examined: Tuning the Brain to See Detail, Motion, and Faces

titleCritical Periods Re-Examined: Tuning the Brain to See Detail, Motion, and Faces
location_infosalle R229
summaryWe have been taking advantage of a natural experiment: children treated for dense cataracts that blocked all patterned vision to the retina until the cataracts were removed surgically and the eyes fit with compensatory contact lenses. I will describe the general principles that have emerged from comparing the effects of bilateral and unilateral cataracts and from studying the consequences of deprivation that began at different ages. Together, the results suggest different critical periods for damaging different aspects of vision and different principles for low level (e.g., acuity) and higher level vision (e.g., global motion). Nevertheless, some potential for rehabilitation remains even in adulthood.
responsiblesRämä, Izard