“Real world” data: opportunities and challenges of mobile technologies in research and clinical use

title“Real world” data: opportunities and challenges of mobile technologies in research and clinical use
location_infosalle 01-02
detailsSéminaire Axe IV - Cognition, émotion, action
summaryEcological momentary assessment (EMA) is the capture of patient’s data in their environment, in real time. Highly promising in terms of research this mean of data collection has been limited in use by the technical limits: the paper diaries were not reliable (post-hoc filling) and the PDA supports were expensive. The generalisation of Smartphones in today’s society presents a unique opportunity to bring down the technical walls limiting the use of EMA. EMA is particularly useful in neuro-psychiatric disorders where the symptoms fluctuations of the patients is a key component to the understanding of research paradigms and treatments efficacy. After a brief overview of EMA and its particular interest in neuro-psychiatry we will present some future opportunities of mobileHealth in the fields of research and clinical use.