Embodied Control of Adaptive Behavior in Insects and Robots at the Biological Cybernetics Dept. of Bielefeld University

titleEmbodied Control of Adaptive Behavior in Insects and Robots at the Biological Cybernetics Dept. of Bielefeld University
summaryInsects have been a long-standing inspiration to endow robots with adaptive and robust behaviors while requiring relatively cheap control architectures. In turn, implementing neuroethological models in robots can provide new hypotheses to biologists. Yet, the mechanisms underlying insects’ essential functions such as locomotion, navigation and perception are not enough understood in order to design robots with comparable autonomy. The department of Biological Cybernetics at Bielefeld University pursues an integrative approach combining behavioral physiology, electrophysiology, computational modeling and bio-inspired robotics. I’ll present an overview of our activities focusing on active tactile sensing and distributed mechanoreception in walking and climbing stick insects, and describe further my contributions in modeling and robotic implementation.