Consciousness and controversies: new data in search of an old theory?

titleConsciousness and controversies: new data in search of an old theory?
detailsSeminar's sessions (AA 2013-2014)
summaryThere has been a continuous stream of studies investigationg perception without awareness, with new data, methods and techniques added regularly. In these debates images with biological significance occupy a special place. For example, it has been argued that facial expressions of fear have a special status and that this is possibly due to processing routes that rely on priviledged acces to the amygdalae. In this talk we will review the theoretical arguments in the light of new data on conscious and nonconscious processing of facial and bodily expressions. The studies include findings obtained with behavioral and brainimaging methods, and we will discuss data obtained with braindamaged patients and normal controls.
responsiblesTallon-Baudry, Kouider, Andrillon