Simultaneous Multi-Slice – unfinished history of a technique that has changed neuroimaging

titleSimultaneous Multi-Slice – unfinished history of a technique that has changed neuroimaging
detailsThis is joint work with Sai Ravishankar.
summaryThis talk will focus on Simultaneous Multi-Slice imaging (SMS), which in recent years has had a major impact on neuroimaging. The ability to speed up 2D EPI by almost an order of magnitude has within few years resulted in SMS essentially becoming a new standard, including its applications in large-scale population studies. The development of the underlying concepts however reaches back to, at least, the1980’s. I will start with a historical overview of SMS acquisition and reconstruction from early to current state of the art. Then, practical and implementation challenges will be considered, such as RF pulses and acquisition of auto-calibration data.  The middle part of the talk will highlight the applications that have benefitted from SMS, predominantly EPI based methods incl diffusion-EPI, BOLD, ASL and VASO, but also rapid anatomical T2 RARE and T2* weighted QSM scans have been explored. The rest of the talk I will spend on some current frontiers in SMS, including non-Ca! rtesian spiral and wave sampling to further enhance acquisition efficiency, as well as the opportunities and challenges of SMS with parallel transmission (pTX) for flip-angle homogenisation at ultra-high field.