Entrainment in the human auditory system: from complex tones to beats

titleEntrainment in the human auditory system: from complex tones to beats
location_infobât. INSERM, n° 452, Bibliothèque DYCOG
summaryThe human nervous system can be readily entrained to external stimulations, through multiple sensory modalities. Neurons in the human auditory system can synchronize their activity to a regular stimulation. Such neurons may underlie a dynamical system that couples to external rhythms and thus enable entrainment to different rates of the auditory input. Neural entrainment may underlie cognitive functions such as the perception of beat in music and the ability to synchronize movements with predictable, periodic sounds. In this talk, I will review recent research from my team on auditory neural dynamics of subcortical and cortical entrainment, in various sensory contexts (auditory -visuo -motor), in both normal and impaired populations (congenital amusics and cochlear implants patients).