Extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of action potential generation

titleExtrinsic and intrinsic determinants of action potential generation
location_infoseminar room
summaryOver the past decade computational, electrophysiological and imaging studies identified the axon initial segment as the primary site for action potential generation. Many important insights have been obtained about the intrinsic determinants for action potential initiation including neuronal cable geometry, location of the axon initial segment as well as the distribution and expression of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels (Kole and Stuart, Neuron. 2012). In the mammalian brain the vast majority of axons are myelinated. Whether myelination or oligodendroglia cells influence the generation of action potentials is not well understood. In this talk, I will discuss recent evidence demonstrating that in the rodent neocortex oligodendrocytes residing near the axo-somatic region of large pyramidal neurons play an unexpected role in influencing the maximum capacity of neuronal firing rates. These results suggest that intrinsic membrane properties and cable theory alone may be insufficient in providing a mechanistic understanding of action potential generation.
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