Recent discoveries on brain injury recovery

titleRecent discoveries on brain injury recovery
detailsConférence de l'ICM. Organisateur : Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
summaryPr. Corbetta's research focuses on elucidating the brain mechanisms of cognitive function and their recovery after brain injury (stroke or traumatic brain injury). He uses a combination of behavioral methods and functional/anatomical neuroimaging (brain scans) to study brain structure/function. An example of his physiological research is the discovery that different brain networks control goal-driven vs. stimulus-driven attention, and that attention deficits after stroke depend on a functional imbalance of activity in attention networks between the left and right hemisphere. Pr. Corbetta's research has been recognized by a Physician Scientist Award from the National Eye Institute in 1997; the J.S. McDonnell Foundation Award in Cognitive Sciences in 2000; the 'Marie Curie' Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience from the European Union in 2005; the 'Norman Geschwind' Award in Behavioral Neurology from the Academy of Neurology; and, a Distinguished Senior Investigator Award from Washington University in 2008. Clinical and teaching activities have been recognized in 1994 by The Irwin Levy Award for Pregraduate teaching in Neurology and Neurosurgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, and in 1995 by an honorary affiliation to the Alpha Omega Alpha Association for outstanding staff physician at Barnes Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.Dr. Corbetta is a member of the Academy of Neurology, Society of Neuroscience, Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, and Organization for Human Brain Mapping Society. He was elected to the International Neuropsychological Symposium in 2003; the American Neurological Association in 2003; and, the Attention and Performance Association Advisory Council in 2003. He has served as Program Chair of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in 2006 and Chair in 2010. He serves as Scientific Advisor of the German and Italian Ministry of Education and Research.