Imaging Sensorimotor Coupling in Olfaction

titleImaging Sensorimotor Coupling in Olfaction
detailsHosted by Alberto Bacci
summaryThe Datta lab studies how information from the outside world is detected, encoded in the brain, and transformed into meaningful behavioral outputs. We address this fundamental problem by characterizing the olfactory system, the sensory system used by most animals to interact with their environment. Here we discuss neural circuits in the olfactory system involved in sensorimotor coupling, and preliminary data describing in vivo imaging of these circuits in awake animals. We also describe new approaches we have recently developed to understand how genes and circuits important to sensorimotor coupling in the olfactory system might impact behavior; these methods may afford insight into mechanisms that allow animals to flexibly navigate the outside world, and serve as a quantitative prism through which the function of genes and neural circuits can be understood.