Mapping connectivity and activity of neurocircuits underlying motivated behavior and metabolism regulation

titleMapping connectivity and activity of neurocircuits underlying motivated behavior and metabolism regulation
detailsInvitant : Pascal Fossat, PU - PhD, Université de Bordeaux, Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences CNRS UMR 5297 - IINS
summaryMultiple distinct neuronal cell populations distributed throughout the central nervous system tightly coordinate energy and glucose homeostasis. This is achieved by precise synaptic mechanisms that operate within these neuronal circuits. The aim of our research is to elucidate synaptic connectivity and synaptic adaptions – such as long-term potentiation - at defined synapses within the neuronal circuits regulating behaviors such as feeding, drinking, and sexual behavior as well as glucose homeostasis. The overall goal is to provide a connectivity map of the brain regulating these vital functions and correlate synaptic adaptions with physiologic functions. To address these questions, we employ a wide range of methodologies including in vivo opto-and chemogenetics, brain slice electrophysiology as well as transgenic knockin and knockout mice. The combination of these approaches allows us to study neurotransmitters, synaptic plasticity, and activity patterns in defined circuit elements and enable us to understand how synaptic functions within these neural circuits could become dysregulated in conditions such as obesity or diabetes.