La naturalisation darwinienne de la téléologie : les concepts de fonction, adaptation et design biologique

titleLa naturalisation darwinienne de la téléologie : les concepts de fonction, adaptation et design biologique
summaryIn Natural Selection Theory, the concept of biological function must be supposed to define the concept of fitness; and this one must be supposed to define the concept of adaptation and also to explain the phenomenon to which the last one alludes. These three concepts, on the other hand, are specifications of three concepts of more universal application. The concept of biological function is a particular case of the general concept of function; and the concept of fitness is a specification of the concept of convenience. The concept of adaptation, meanwhile, specifies the concept of design. The visualization of these conceptual joints allows to understanding the legitimacy of the naturalization of the teleology produced by the Darwinism.
responsiblesAngleraux, Rousseau-Mermans