Adaptive plasticity in the language network: insights from neurostimulation

titleAdaptive plasticity in the language network: insights from neurostimulation
detailsHost: Jenny Crinion
summaryIn this talk, I will outline how non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS or tACS) can be combined with functional neuroimaging or electroencephalography to characterize functional interactions and adaptive plasticity in the language network. In the first part, I will show how the application of TMS over several language areas helps to characterize the contribution of the stimulated areas as well as their interaction and compensatory potential during language comprehension and production. The second part addresses rapid short-term reorganization and adaptive plasticity in the healthy and reorganized language network. I will show that the TMS-induced perturbation of key language areas may be compensated by a stronger contribution of neighbouring networks or homologous regions. I will further present recent data combining tDCS and functional neuroimaging during language learning. These data suggest that the behavioural facilitation induced by non-invasive brain stimulation may be underpinned by decreases in task-related activity and connectivity, likely reflecting more efficient task processing. Based on this work, I will present a novel model on the flexible redistribution in cognitive networks that helps to understand adaptive plasticity in the language network. This model suggests different mechanisms of flexible redistribution within and across cognitive networks that help to compensate for (virtual) lesions in language networks.