Molecular mechanisms of alcohol addiction : How we got alcohol addiction wrong, one lever at a time

titleMolecular mechanisms of alcohol addiction : How we got alcohol addiction wrong, one lever at a time
location_infoAmphi Broca
detailsInvitant : Véronique Deroche-Gamonet - Neurocentre Magendie
summaryAlcohol use is an ongoing public health crisis, and effective treatments are largely lacking. Neurobiological research has grown exponentially in the past two decades, and has become increasingly sophisticated in its ability to identify neural circuits behind alcohol seeking and taking in animal models. To date, however, these advances have not translated into novel clinical treatments. This talk will discuss potential limitations of drug discovery strategies that use animal models where drug seeking is studied in isolation, using conventional self-administration in groups of animals. It will introduce the critical importance of phenomena that are key to clinical alcohol addiction: individual variation in vulnerability, choice of alcohol over natural rewards, and continued use of alcohol despite adverse consequences. These concepts will be discussed in the context of our recent discoveries implicating GABA-transmission in central amygdala as a key process to target with novel medications.