A sequential strategy for multi photon actuation and recording of membrane voltage in awake animals

titleA sequential strategy for multi photon actuation and recording of membrane voltage in awake animals
detailsHoraire à confirmer
summaryTechnologies for recording and manipulating neuronal membrane potential in vivo in defined neuronal populations with high fidelity will be essential to understand how information is represented, processed, and propagated in the brain. Genetically encoded voltage indicators and optogenetic actuators are especially promising are especially promising as they can be expressed in defined cell types and are compatible with long-term chronic imaging in vivo. Optical recording and actuation of cellular voltage in vivo, however, suffers from limitations of both speed and sensitivity inherent in current indicators and imaging modalities. I will present new developments for 3D imaging and stimulation of neurons at different laminar positions of mouse sensory cortex at 1 kHz sampling speed.