On Turning Language Inside Out

titleOn Turning Language Inside Out
schedule10h30-13h - Heure de Tucson
summaryModern Psycholinguistics emerged from behaviorist/associationist background with recidivist emphasis on exploring how “obviously” salient and prior surface serial phenomena “actually” reflect deeper structural organization this enterprise took the reality of serial surface representations for granted. I will visit, known and little known phenomena, speculating that they show the converse: that many apparent serial surface structures in language are evanescent fleeting expressions of externalization systems: they function as a tool for the verification of otherwise inchoate thoughts (Cf. Noam’s abstract for this course). Thus, the phenomena actually complement and support the current model on which all language is divided into three parts: 1. UG with compositional principles and constraints. 2. The lexicon and 3. Externalization mechanisms and processes. So the question today is, what is the status of the “psychological reality” of surface structures? 1.I first review old empirical evidence that serially organized language representations are transiently constructed/imposed “from inside out” (aka “top down”) during normal comprehension….and perhaps production…. 2….then new data questioning if anything about phenomenal language actually endures, or is episodic language experience (whether private or public) based on relating transient serial externalizations to internal intentions? 3. Given the preceding, “Where” is language, in the mind or brain, or….? The slowness of neurons, the persistence of language in severely abnormal/broken brains, the importance of ‘natural law” (‘3rd kind of universals ) all support the view that “There must be something else” than neuron level processes, to account for language learning and use (cf Gallistel). Quantum computers inside each neuron, riding on Microtubules, or whole brain Oscillations converging in and out of phase? Or both in concert? Or neither? 4. Is there after all, a ‘problem solving’ motive for the child to incorporate its language experience into an integrated system, neither to imitate grownups, nor to communicate publicly, but as a tool to organize, elaborate and sense its own thoughts? Perhaps Vygotsky was onto something on the outside – internalization of the external: while Noam is onto something on the inside – externalization of the internal….
responsiblesPiatelli-Palmarini, Chomsky, Bever