Control of adult neurogenesis and regeneration by the BMP-Id1 signalling pathway in the adult zebrafish telencephalon

titleControl of adult neurogenesis and regeneration by the BMP-Id1 signalling pathway in the adult zebrafish telencephalon
location_infoCentre Broca
detailsInvited by Karine Massé
summaryNeurons are the building blocks of all nervous systems. In mammals, neurons are generally not replaced when damaged or dead, which can lead to progressive degeneration and death of neuronal tissues, resulting in neurological disorders. In contrast, teleost fish have the remarkable ability to generate new neurons and repair damage, even as adults. We are therefore using zebrafish as a model to understand when, where and how adult neurogenesis functions in these fish and how it differs from the situation in mammals. During neurogenesis, multiple developmental decisions lead to the establishment of specific transcriptional expression programmes, and these programmes are controlled by the expression and/or selective activity of transcriptional regulators. To understand the molecular mechanisms that control adult neurogenesis and regeneration, we performed a genome-wide screen to find transcriptional regulators expressed in the adult zebrafish brain and their response to injury. We identified several hundred transcriptional regulatory genes whose expression is altered by injury. Among these genes, the expression of id1 (DNA binding inhibitor 1) was upregulated specifically in the ventricular zone of injured brains. In my talk, I will present our latest results concerning the function of id1 and its transcriptional regulation during adult constitutive and regenerative neurogenesis in the zebrafish telencephalon. I will show how radial glia neuron-cell communication via BMP/Id1 signalling is essential for the long-term maintenance of regenerative capacity in the adult zebrafish telencephalon.
responsiblesPerrais, Thoumine