The weakest link: Anhedonia across and beyond schizophrenia spectrum disorders

titleThe weakest link: Anhedonia across and beyond schizophrenia spectrum disorders
location_infoRoom B10
summarySchizophrenia is associated with a wide range of cognitive and emotional impairments including the reduced ability to experience pleasure and happiness, namely anhedonia. Anhedonia is one of the key negative symptoms affecting the ultimate functional outcome and has an adverse impact on quality of life for patients with schizophrenia. Recent findings suggest that anhedonia is shared by other psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Moreover, individuals with subclinical features may also exhibit anhedonia. However, it is still not clear the underlying behavioural and neural mechanisms associating with anhedonia in these subclinical populations. With the guidance of the advanced theoretical framework of anhedonia, I will first address the issue of the latent factor structure of negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients and illustrate specifically the important role of Motivation and Pleasure factor but not Expression factor contributing to social functioning in these patients. I will then highlight the recent findings of anhedonia across and beyond the schizophrenia spectrum disorders. These findings help to validate and establish a set of measures to characterize the evaluation of anhedonia and highlight potential development of intervention platform for anhedonia across clinical and subclinical populations.