Population bursts in archicortices: from hippocampal ripples to piriform cortex dynamics

titlePopulation bursts in archicortices: from hippocampal ripples to piriform cortex dynamics
location_infoRoom 305 & on Zoom
summarySharp-wave ripples are network events observed in the hippocampal local field potential during slow wave sleep, quiet wakefulness and consummatory behaviors. They have been shown to orchestrate the “replay” of past activity patterns and are critical for memory consolidation. As hippocampal place cells code for specific locations in space, entire trajectories are reactivated during these network events. These replays are thought to facilitate the progressive strengthening of the connections that represent the original experience. In my presentation, I will discuss how fine optogenetic manipulations combined with multi-electrode recordings and closed-loop feedback tools allowed uncovering the role of sharp-wave ripples during spatial learning, specifically their role in the stabilization of the so-called ‘cognitive map’ coded by place cells in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. I will then share recent observations from another archicortex, the olfactory piriform cortex, which hosts population bursts of activity reminiscent of hippocampal ripples. We propose that studying hippocampus and piriform in parallel can improve our understanding of memory-related processes in olfaction and beyond.