Unlocking the Key to Motivation: Discovering the Power of Activated Astrocyte Ensembles in the Nucleus Accumbens

titleUnlocking the Key to Motivation: Discovering the Power of Activated Astrocyte Ensembles in the Nucleus Accumbens
summaryTo understand how complex cell circuits process information, it is necessary to use techniques that can precisely target and modulate the activity of the involved elements. Neuro-astrocyte networks are highly complex, and understanding their involvement in circuit modulation and behavior requires state-of-the-art complementary tools. Although most genetic tools have focused on neuronal activity, my talk will introduce newly developed techniques from our laboratory that can dissect active astrocyte circuits with spatio-temporal precision, such as CaMPARIGFAP and Astro-Light. Additionally, I will present our recent data on mapping the functional astrocytic circuitries in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc), which reveal the existence of specific astrocyte circuits in this region. Finally, we will show that activating the astrocyte ensemble related to a specific reward can shift behavior towards that option through optogenetic stimulation. Overall, the cutting-edge data I will present supports the idea that NAc astrocytic networks play a critical role in integrating information.
responsiblesPerrais, Thoumine