Neurobullshit? - Good practices and mischief in neuroscience (2016)

titleNeurobullshit? - Good practices and mischief in neuroscience
summaryThe brain has undeniably become the most popular and mysterious organ of the body. (The European Union has launched a massive project to model the human brain from scratch while the US “BRAIN initiative” has injected billions of dollars in neuroscience research). At the system level, we are now being able to decode perceptions or dreams and predict decisions from human brain patterns of activity. In parallel, at the single-cell level, we are now able to stimulate or silence single neurons with light patterns or record online neuronal activity in a wide range of contexts and in many organisms. All these incredible breakthroughs have unfortunately come with a price: “neurobullshitted” transfer of knowledge such as well-known neuromyths, fake brain training programs, and erroneous extrapolation of neuroscience theories to other fields such as education, marketing or economy have developed in the same time as these marvelous scientific discoveries. Inside the lab, the ur! ge to publish gave rise to a different kind of “neurobullshitting”: bad practices in the design, biased interpretation of the results, gangnam style brain networks, abusive reverse inferences and alarming rates of false positives (highlighted by brain activations found in a dead salmon!). In this workshop, we will address in parallel both exciting new discoveries in the field and dangerous/distrustful practices that result from them.