Brainconf NeuroCompare (2023)

titleBrainconf NeuroCompare
organisational_infoRegistration and abstract submission before September 15th!
summaryCurrent research highlights the role of cortical networks in supporting higher order cognitive functions such as decision making or working memory, and their functioning is systematically impaired in various psychiatric conditions including schizophrenia, depression and drug addiction. This global research effort has demonstrated a large degree of functional parcellation within and between cortical networks, which shows high homology from primate (including human) to rodent brains. The « Comparative Neuronal Circuits for adaptive behaviour » conference will gather worldwide experts in Bordeaux Neurocampus to develop ideas and applications beyond the state of the art of current research on cortical circuits by including rodents, bat, monkeys and humans in our conceptual framework. We will discuss two complementary dimensions: (1) the anatomy and connectivity of cortical circuits, and (2) the function of those circuits in adaptive behaviour.
responsiblesBeyeler, Leblois, Coutureau, Gambino, Thiebaut de Schotten